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Mi vida es un bolsillo lleno de arco iris.
My life is a pocketful of rainbows.

So, here I am...
***This blog was Established 2005***
And I am slowly reestablishing it.

I love English Lit! I have a fascination with puns, satire and tropes. I relish sharing the latest logic puzzle I've found. I advocate for education reform. I read Spanish much more fluently than I speak it. I know a lot of German. I dabble in SEVERAL languages .... including writing, history and knowledge of cultures. I am very interested in urban farming and self-sufficiency. Huge Douglas Adams, Roger Zelazny and Piers Anthony fan. I like reading Stephen King/Richard Bachman. I could spend hours with Terry Brooks and Shannara. T.S. Garp and I would get along famously. Avid Armchair Traveler ... especially Italy and Mongolia. Miicroadventures rock! I homeroast green coffee beans ... my fave are those from Chiapas, Mexico. I try new teas and those from Scotland make me smile. Friends and family are AWESOME!

I hope that something made you smile today!.
Non-spammers can contact me: coffeehobby AT yahoo.com

Sunday, December 04, 2022


Middle Grade Christmas Adventure

Date Published: 11-01-2021

Publisher: HEROmation

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Someone has stolen all the nuts from the Oak Creek bank, and George the squirrel must catch the thief before Christmas. He learns what forest life would be like without him and gains the courage to lead his friends on the adventure of a lifetime. It’s a nutty spin on the Christmas classic, It’s a Wonderful Life, great for kids ages 7+

About the Author

JP Cawood is an author who has also worked in live-action TV and film, animation, and comics. The screen adaptation of her novel, Love from Mars, was a recent Semi-finalist in both Screencraft and Stage32 screenplay competitions. She was also named Top 50 Screenwriter by the International Screenwriters' Association in 2021.

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