If you like my blog and would like to donate a dollar. :-)

Mi vida es un bolsillo lleno de arco iris.
My life is a pocketful of rainbows.

So, here I am...
***This blog was Established 2005***
And I am slowly reestablishing it.

I love English Lit! I have a fascination with puns, satire and tropes. I relish sharing the latest logic puzzle I've found. I advocate for education reform. I read Spanish much more fluently than I speak it. I know a lot of German. I dabble in SEVERAL languages .... including writing, history and knowledge of cultures. I am very interested in urban farming and self-sufficiency. Huge Douglas Adams, Roger Zelazny and Piers Anthony fan. I like reading Stephen King/Richard Bachman. I could spend hours with Terry Brooks and Shannara. T.S. Garp and I would get along famously. Avid Armchair Traveler ... especially Italy and Mongolia. Miicroadventures rock! I homeroast green coffee beans ... my fave are those from Chiapas, Mexico. I try new teas and those from Scotland make me smile. Friends and family are AWESOME!

I hope that something made you smile today!.
Non-spammers can contact me: coffeehobby AT yahoo.com

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

e notable artists include: - Ernst Barlach - Max Beckmann - Heinrich Campendonk - Lovis Corinth - Otto Dix - Lyonel Feininger - Rudi Feld - Conrad Felixmüller These artists were known for their bold and expressive use of color, line, and form, as well as their exploration of themes like spirituality, emotion, and the human condition. Is there a particular artist or style that you're interested in learning more about?

Tonight I am looking at the work of German expressionist painters(20th century). On the list: - Ernst Barlach - Max Beckmann - Heinrich Campendonk - Lovis Corinth - Otto Dix - Lyonel Feininger - Rudi Feld - Conrad Felixmüller Expressionism= bold and expressive use of color, line, and form. Exploration of themes like spirituality, emotion, and the human condition.

Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

-----Goal: Go on a solo brunch date at least once a month.
-----I don't have a teddy bear to put on my bed or sit on furniture. I must remedy this.
-----Hombre de Oro(Man of Gold) dresses nicely for Church. I, sadly, don't really have dresses. I asked him what color I should get. He looked at me thoughtfully and declared "yellow." That's cool as mustard yellow is my favorite color!

Monday, March 04, 2024

Things I need to research for the kids' St. Patrick's Day Scavenger Hunt ...

-----Leprechauns are a type of fairy.
-----How to do some Irish jigs. Leprechauns are said to dance so much that they wear out their shoes!
-----Leprachauns are the bankers and shoemakers of the fairy world?
-----History of leprechaun sightings. It goes back to the 13th century! -----Leprechauns orginally wore all RED.

Well, I will just start with a Monday and add to this until Friday. Today is March 4th.
I have a very physically tiring job ... so I get a lot of excercise that way. I guess that helps with minimal fitness maitenance ... I have thyroid problems have also been gaining weight from menopause.
Goals: To look nice in a yellow dress for Church. I asked Hombre de Oro (Man of Gold) what color he would like to see me ... a modest, yellow dress. Mustard yellow is my favorite color!